Reparations through love, unity and habit.

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For 65 days we are challenging us to show our love for and commitment to the evolution of black people by completing the following.

Six things every day:

I pledge to:

  • Tell one black person “I love you”

  • Meditate / Pray for 15 minutes

  • Support a black business

  • Adopt a life sustaining diet

  • Work out for 1 hour

  • Watch a Video / Read 10 pages of a book about (Black History, Black love, Spirituality or Finance)

By making this commitment, we are commit to doing our part to change negative statistics and creating a new path forward. One from which a sustainable black community where we love our neighbor as ourselves and know how to love ourselves. We begin with spreading love in our community because we have some of the highest rates of homicide in our communities in the world. We commit to meditation and prayer to relive stress and center ourselves in our spiritual nature so that we can operate at our best. We seek to support black businesses because the wealth gap is ver widening and until we do something to close it we will continue to fall further behind. We commit to a life sustaining diet because heart disease and diabetes are the leading causes of death in our community. We commit to working out 1 hour per day because this makes us healthier and stronger. lastly we make the commitment to education because with out it we will remain int he cycles of poverty, violence and instability that have plagued our communities for too long.

I believe in black an promise to do my best to make it happen

Every year we celebrate black history month but what are we doing to secure a better black future?